2000 - The Magician of Edlesbray
Programme Cover
Cast Photos
From Focus Magazine, March 2000
A Letter From Dobbin
If you were in the audience of “The Magician of Edlesbray”, this year’s offering by the Edlesbray Players for the New Year Pantomime, you will have had almost as much fun as I did. Auntie Val Trantum (who writes, directs and generally organises this fun annual event) was kind enough to persuade my owner to let me take part this year. I must say, the cast was very welcoming to this ageing newcomer to the boards, and the camaraderie backstage was quite equal to the fun we had up front. Five performances were hard work, particularly the two on the Saturday, but well worthwhile when we heard the laughter and applause which you girls and boys, mums and dads, and the older folk in the audience were kind enough to reward us with. Thank you, on behalf of the entire cast and crew, for coming to this year’s event and making it a memorable one.
I’m back in my pasture now, and looking forward to the summer after all that horsing about on stage! I live in one of the fields down the Rye in Eaton Bray, with a number of friends. I spend most of my day just grazing and walking about, so I would appreciate a wave if you pass. Have a good year!
Dobbin the Wonderhorse
AKA Paul Wilson (front half), Keith Pugsley (back half)